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Ladies State Championships 2019

Results Ladies State’s April 2019

At the Presentation of medals at the State Team Championships Kim Kelly was inducted into the Darts Western Australia Hall of Fame. Kim has played darts for 36 years, Represented WA at the National Championships 17 times, Represented Australia at the World Cup in Turkey and has won many State and Australian titles.










Thanks to all the ladies who competed in the 2019 State Championships. The results this year are as follows:

Division 1

Winners – Peel 1, 12 Win Points,  50 games

Natalie Carter, Ursula Bennell, Jucinta Dann, Angela Clarke, Denise Silver, Jane Gambie

Runner Up – Kewdale 1, 10 Win Points, 39 games

Evelyn Cockie, Leanne Taylor, Jenna-lee Rodney, Carol Scattini, Rebecca Miller, Sharren McInnes

Division 2

Winners – Great Northern, 8 Win Points, 37 Games

Marianne Bell, Hannah Bellotti, Kylie Thomas, Jill Hornby, Nakia Burns, Lynn Horton


Runner Up – Pilbara, 8 Win Points, 30 games

Rebecca Counciller, Helen Derschow, Alarnah Todd, Roberta Gilla, Roberta Winder, Christine Heslington,

Division 3

Winners – Northern Suburbs Pink, 8 Win Points, 31 Games

Leanne Johnson-Haggerty, lynette Knox, Donna Madison, Natalie Truscott, Jonelle Anderson, Karon Anderson

Runner Up – Mandurah 1, 6 Win Points, 31 Games

Kate Bennell, Noala Ryder-Young, Andrea Kelly, Sandra Rance, Tiffany Luano, Francine Luano

Division 4

Winners – Morley, 8 Win Points, 33 Games

Ann Wilson, Julie Gogiatti, Debbie Groot, Margie Herbert, Jasmine Crocker, Cecelia Heinritz

Runner Up – Kalgoorlie 2 6 Win Points, 31 Games

Trish Bates, Lisa Kiripatea, Maureeka Thomas, Sandy Gates, Shona Lawson, Kaara Smith

Division 5

Winners – Port Ladies, 6 Win Points, 31 games

Tanya Wylie, Lee-ann Bell, Lyn Jackson, Judy Friend, Donna Cowell, Vinnie Royal

Runner Up – New Avon 2, 6 Win Points, 30 Games

Jess Bitmead, Pat Davis, Joan Priest, Hayley Hughes, Carmel Delower, Maz Smith

180’s  Total  15 

Highest Peg

Kim Kelly  150   Quinns Rock.

Top Six  Averages

Natalie Carter                62.77         Peel Ladies

Dot McLeod                   56.36         South Suburban

Marianne Bell                56.31         Great Northern

Michelle Rodney           55.54         Swan Ladies

Jane Gambie                 55.04        Peel Ladies

Jucinta Dann                 54.90        Peel Ladies

Kayleigh Pickett            53.66         Northam

Kim Kelly                          53.39        Quinns Rock

DWA Squad to trial for State Selection.

Natalie Carter,  Jucinta Dann,  Kaitlin Brown,  Michelle Rodney,  Kim Kelly,  Leanne Taylor,  Jane Gambie Ursula Bennell,  Angele Clarke, Evelyn Cockie, Dot McLeod, Jordan Clarke, Kayleigh Pickett, Tamara Brown


Final Results

Division 1

Peel 1.                      12-54

Kewdale 1.               10-39

Swans                         6-35

South Suburban.       6-30

Quinns Rock              4-24

Kalgoorlie 1.                2-25

Peel 2.                        2-24


Division 2.

Great Northern.      8-37

Pilbara.                    8-30

Perth 1.                    6-30

Leschenault             6-26

Geraldton                2-22

Port Kennedy           0-20




Division 3

NSLAD Pink                8-31

Mandurah 1              6-31

New Avon Ladies 1.    4-27

Peel 3.                           4-26

Fremantle 1               4-25

Kewdale 2.                 4-25


Division 4.

Morley Ladies          8-33

Kalgoorlie 2             6-31

NSDLA White             4-28

Dongara                   4-27

Mandurah 2            4-27

Port Ladies 1            4-19


Division 5.

Port Ladies 2              6-31

New Avon Ladies     6-30

Perth 2.                     6-27

Fremantle 2.            4-27

Kenwick Ladies        6-29

Valley Ladies            4-25