Hello all and welcome to the wrap up of qualifying events 1 & 2
We had 98 players front up for the first event and 78 at the second qualifying date. These first two events of 8 qualifying games in the series to complete the preliminaries prior to the finals starting, where the Top Qualified 16 in each division will play off in the Grand Final on a Saturday the date to be confirmed at the Belmont Sports & Rec.
Remember, you must have played in at least 6 or 75% of the events to be eligible to play. Those who have played at least 6 events and are not in the Top 16 will be elevated into the 16 if higher points players are not qualified.
Division One (59-99 to 50-00) 20th March 2021
Daniel Tan
Runner Up
Terry Carter
Equal Third
Mike Litchfield
Troy Warwick
Division Two (49-99 to 40-00) 20th March 2021
Len Antunovich
Runner Up
Gaabinou Palmer
Equal Third
Ryan Howell
Greg Christie
Division Three (39-99 & below) 20th March 2021
Graeme Groves
Runner Up
Fiona Allen
Equal Third
Jo Bennett
Percival Villaneva
Division One (59-99 to 50-00) 8th May 2021
Carl Caton
Runner Up
Bill Gilla
Equal Third
Kevin Chappell
Troy Warwick
Division Two (49-99 to 40-00) 8th May 2021
Gaabinou Palmer
Runner Up
Stewart Neilsen
Equal Third
Karen Fleming
Jon Cox
Division Three (39-99 & below) 8th May 2021
Tyson Marsh
Runner Up
Allen De Castro
Equal Third
Jacqui Gleeson
Jordan Marsh
180’s first two events = 38
Hi Peg = Alan Watmough at 155
It has been a steady start to the first two events with a combined 176 players attending. As previously discussed, please remember the Darts WA dress code required at these and future events. This can be found on the DWA website. Also be reminded about Prize Money, point 8 of the playing format requires a player to wait and receive any monies won at the completion of the Division Finals
The Points Tables can be found on the website under the WA Rankings tab.
Again, thanks to Belmont Sports and the staff for the use of the venue.
The next playing date is on Saturday 31st July 2021 at Belmont Sports & Rec, Check In finishes at 9-30am for a 10-00am start, be sure to be there early. Due to covid causing events to be deferred the Wyatt events are finishing later this year, the schedule will be at the foot of this page
Good luck and good darts.
Mark, Jordan, Gavin and Co
Next WYATT Events
31st July – # 3
28th August – #4
25th September – #5
2nd October – #6
23rd October – #7
13th November – #8
4th December – Grand Final (top 16 each Division)